This is what my ideal morning looks like
No matter how hard you try, not every day can be the same. We all have good days and bad days. I cannot get up at the same time every single day and thus, the rest of the day gets messed up.
However, there are days when I get a lot more done than other days and I like to think of those as my ideal mornings.
Here is what it looks like —
Sip a good amount of water 💧
Ok, not gallons of water! Just enough to get all the good bacteria from your saliva into the gut. A glass of water should do fine.
I like to keep my water bottle next to my bed so that it’s the first thing I can get my hands on.

Gaze outside ☀️
Because sunshine is essential to soak in enough vitamin D for the rest of the day. And also the hustle and bustle on the streets lift up your mood when you are up from a deep state of slumber.
But more importantly, it just wakes you up and you won’t feel like turning to the bed again. That’s because sunlight helps in —
Regulating hormones and sleep patterns by affecting the melatonin circadian rhythm.

Read a book 📖
Grab a book and not your phone within 20 minutes of waking up.
The reason is simple, to not bombard your brain with too much information. Reading books wakes your brain up slowly & steadily. You are also able to grasp the information clearly and coherently.
For me, non-fiction, and self-help books works.

Check my to-do list 📝
Your mind is like a child as soon as you wake up.
Because it wanders aimlessly in any direction and also conserves your energy by the craving to do things that seem the most convenient — like checking your phone lying in bed.
So, our conscious mind — as an adult needs to guide the ‘child’ in the mind and direct it to do the right set of things. This is where having a pre-made to-do list comes in handy.
You already have your day planned and you just simply need to follow what’s the next thing that you need to do, instead of worrying too much about what to do.
Skim through the list and mentally prepare yourself for the day, that’s it.
Write 100 words 🖌
Our minds are at the highest peak of energy after waking up.
I am like many others most creative within 3 hours of waking up.
Thoughts and ideas are afresh. Hence, the best time to write things down especially if you are a creative writer. In my case, apart from writing on technical topics (which I dare not to write soon after waking up), I do write articles like the one you are reading i.e. on self-growth, -improvement & productivity in general.
The latter ones — on coding, algorithms, etc I write the best usually in the afternoons.
Lemon & Honey water 🍹
Nutrition is also equally important as any other task.
The powerful combination of these two kickstarts my day with a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals.
There are tons of thousands of morning detox drink recipes that you can try out, this one works for me on most days.
Cold showers 🚿
There isn't anything as satisfying as standing under a gush of water in the morning and rejuvenating yourself. You will feel so fresh and crisp post that.
Improves mental health and boosts immunity.
Also, the brain gets into the perfect ‘work mode’ when you do this before starting your work.

Prepare a hearty breakfast 🥞 🧇
This is another form of self-love and self-care, whatever you might call it. Nutrition is as important as any other task in the day. If the body isn't fueled rightly, how are you going to achieve the tasks on your to-do list itself?
I usually prepare my breakfast the night before, because I traditionally prefer Overnight Oats — you can let me know in the comments below if you wanna know my recipe. But on days I could not, I whip up a quick nutty smoothie or take some time to prepare a fresh bowl of fruit salad or some eggs and toast( I like to mix and match).
10X productivity I can guarantee.
On a side note, I am a big-time nutrition junkie. So, I would definitely love to publish a few articles on health and nutrition, especially the mouth-watering healthy recipes that I love to prepare.
Self-care 🥰

This can be in many forms — ranging from meditation, working out and some skin & hair care rituals maybe!
I love to do my morning skincare thrice a week. I apply some gel-based face masks & relax for 10 minutes. Well, self-care isn't just limited to skincare. It can be anything in which your body feels nourished & cared for.
Well, that’s a wrap.
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Thanks for reading.
Happy learning! 😁